Saturday, July 31, 2010

A night in Sri Lanka..

Sri langka?? xpenah sangka sampai sini.. hahahahaha... dah la nama pon dekat2... :P ok, time balik dari malaysia, kitorg stop for transit at colombo.. had to stay a night there coz the transit took more than 12 hours.. the hotel was provided by the airplane company.. we stayed at nogombo, sri lanka.. hotelnya tepi laut..and soo  cantek..:) the dolphin club.. tapi takde plak nampak dolphin kat laut tu... hehehehehe...
we had a great time there.. the room was nice and the people were friendly.. the food? ok la... i makan toast je sebab agak waswas ngan status halal hotel tu... kehkehkeh...:P  
sampai dah malam..lepas mandi, turun pegi dinner, then 
next naik bilik n tdo... the next day, we woke up early for breakfast and snap more pics..aduss, sungguh camwhore lah..:P bukan selalu sampai pon... then siap2 and head to the airport... then flew back to kuwait ni haa... begitulah kisahnyer....papepon, enjoy the pics!
Mr. cameraman..:)

Budak kecik yang banyak cekadak!!

Mr. Cameraman again...

Me yang camwhore...hehehehehe!!

2 weeks in MALAYSIA!!

HARLUUU....haih, skarang dah balik ke kuwait.. back to hot and dusty... anyway, we had fun in Malaysia.. walaupun hanya 2 minggu, tapi terubat juga rindu dekat families and the food...kuikuikuikui... macam-macam i dapat makan, so hopefully lepas ni tak de mengidam malaysian food dah.. cukup ye baby.. kalau nak lagi, mane mummy nak carik?? jangan wat pasal...nak masak dah la xsedap..hehehehehe...:)
So, banyak aktiviti yang sempat we did time kat malaysia.. pegi wonderland bermandi-manda... then pegi genting highland and finally colmar bukit tinggi.. kat genting dh tak best sebab tak sejuk... nasib time kitorg pergi tu sejuk la jugak...hehehehe... colmar pon dah taak best... macam tak de org datang pon... the souvenir shops bukak lambat.. bosan.. tak dapat beli fridge magnets...:(
the best part was the durian eating session... pehhh... hari-hari makan durian seh!! puas hati mak ni.. hehehehhe... keluar je beli durian... pegi rumah in-law dapat durian jugak.. kat situ banyak pokok durian.. ngeeee.... so makan yang fresh2 jugak la.. tapi tahun ni durian tak jadi sangat... merajok kot.. ntah le... 
sangat sedih bile dah nak balik..:( rase cam tak nak balik je.. tapi nak wat guane kan... nanti ade rezeki kita jumpa lagi ye...:) love all of u...:)


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