Thursday, November 3, 2011

project "murni" TELEKUNG PROJECT

As salam wbt..
this time i want to share with uolls... 2-3 minggu yang  lpas i ada "like" satu page kat FB.. its a TELEKUNG PROJECT. its a project handle by a family.. project anak beranak... idea yang sangat bernas dan murni... sebelum ni tak pernah pulak nak terfikir nak buat projek camni.. kalau korang ada telekung yang dah tak pakai dan masih elok, bolehla donate kat sini...kalau nak sedekah telekung baru laaagi bagus...:) ALHAMDULILLAH,  semoga niat suci keluarga ini akan dibalas oleh Allah swt dan dimurahkan rezeki buat mereka sekeluarga olehNya...amin...
read more about the project:

The Telekung Project is a mini project to help 'waqaf telekung' preserve it cleanliness. Please support us to make our prayer more 'kusyuk'!
this is only a mini project. Basically, kami anak - beranak with our own initiatives, pergi ke masjid or surau at shopping complexes and exchange with our telekung. Then, those wakaf telekung we bring back home and kami basuhkan. Later, kami ex-change balik. Just niat to serve telekung wakaf yang lebih bersih. Well, this time around, kami nak share this initiatives with others. As beginning if anyone nak contribute used telekung or brand new, they are welcome... so that lebih byk telekung yang dpt dibasuhkan dan ditukarkan. InsyaAllah.... Please pray for us
copy from their facebook.

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